long that no one noticed? >> they are everywhere in the world. it's used for training during past wars and all that sort of thing. i used to fly flight instructor out of a little tiny airport near near gainsville, florida called willisston and it was 7500 feet concrete and i think it was 100 -- either 75 or 100 feet wide. can you land a 777 right there. can you land a 777 a lot of places that you can't take off because you burn the fuel down, it's light, you can land on a very short runway. you just can't take off again unless you have got a very small fuel load to go a short distance. >> thank you, panel. and marie, of course, going to continue to monitor this breaking news. the second there is new information about flight 370 we will break in immediately. straight ahead, republican lawmakers on the war path to take new actions to fight what they call is president obama's abuse of powers. karl rove does he think

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