for my money, the most riveting development in sochi was your battle against pink eye. how frustrating was that? >> you know, it was frustrating because my colleagues worked so hard. some of them worked 18, 20-hour days and i worked with a lot of them for decades and they looked forward to this. and in many cases, they propped me up. you know, i get credit for work that is 90% the work of a producer. you know? i may contribute something to it. i'm carrying the ball for them. and for five or six days, i wasn't able to. i hung in as long as i could. if i had a bad back or a stomachache, i could have kept on going. but not only could people see it, but it goes to where my vision was so blurry and -- >> but you were like a skier who trains for four years before the big event. i know you didn't want to be sidelined. >> yeah. but this was any 11th olympics. if it was my first or second, personally i might have done more.