esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. personal story segment. i promised to talk to military analyst david hunt. i would have him back this week because on monday he took a rather dovish position while analyzing the russian invasion of ukraine. joining us once again from boston is colonel hunt. i'm curious. you're a warrior. you know putin's a bad guy. you know he broke international law. and you're telling us that we shouldn't really be that upset about it, very much about it. is that it? >> let's start out with the crimea, which he went into with naval infantry. moved them during the olympics. the crimea's 80% russian. they're not -- it's complicated, but they're not that upset in the crimea that the russians are in there. >> all right. but what is that -- let me ask my dopey questions. what does that mean? you know, there's a town in mexico, san miguel allende, i believe it is, where there's