>> we are not doing our job of protecting children and writing laws that are going to be upheld judicial scrutiny. >> the law basically needed to state that we're not allowed to send obscene messages. otherwise, it's a first amendment protection to send things that are indecent. >> it's a very on jockive word, is objective word. >> 631 texts. >> 688 over six days. >> if you find one of those obscene when you see it, you smell it you know what it is. there were. things of taking her bra off. just horrible stuff. >> the court ruled that the guy can do it. >> right to be perverted to children. there is something seriously wrong with this. >> we covered this story before and they have to rewrite the law in texas. >> have to rewrite the law. >> change charges because it's easier to prosecute. >> get together in austin. nobody objecting to that if there is i want to know about it. >> the court has the opportunity to overturn it itself but it won't. online solicitation of a minor is an easier charge to