we have to have a common t operating procedure asha we movo forward and we don't have that , here. so we haveow to figure out wher we're going, how quickly we'll h get there.cu but it is going to cost us money so we do have to focus on that. but i do think as we talk to congress about creating organizations, similar to the institute for nuclear power p, operations. they're a private group, they're privately funded. on but when they speak, they are st the harshest on the nuclear power industry. can anyone in the united states, if you have anyone that can speak to this, we can get a lot of things done. ti >> all right, curt, this is a nonpartisan issue, the safety r and security of the u.s. , >> thank you, judge jeanine. and a huge response to the power grid special last week, here is what some of you had to say. gloria says that christian pastors have been talking about this for years andnd now it is finally coming to the news.s