their applications to complete the process. greg, back to you. >> elizabeth, thanks. coming up, retail sales slowing down and housing recovery has dipped. but is it just cold weather or something more worse that is slowing our economic recovery? and republicans are poised to shift the balance of you power in washington, take back u.s. senate after the midterm elections. so what is behind their latest push, who is? jeopardy? plus a connecticut teen is in the middle of a year long custody fight between her parent and the state of massachusetts over her medical treatment. the fight to keep her safe next. >> we're looking for the state to stop treating her as though she's a piece of property and rather as a person. [announcer] a healthy dog is a playful dog. give him the calorie-smart nutrition of beneful healthy weight. with wholesome rice,real chicken,soy, and accents of vitamin ric veggies... plus a taste he loves. beneful healthy weight...from purina.

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