>> they need td. . >> number one. number two, let's be honest. that chair was occupied by jack nicholson. he was there. he just went out to have sex with a waitress. and that's when they snapped the picture. be honest. be fair. be balanced. >> no, you and kimmel are buddies, right? >> yeah. >> never met him before. very nice guy. how did you guys meet? how did that -- >> i was a boxing trainer. he was doing morning radio out here. >> you were a boxing trainer? >> yes. i was working as a boxing -- see my knuckle which is a disaster? >> you were teaching people how to hit other people? >> yeah. you could punch a teaching othe people how to hit other people? >> yeah, you could punch a wall -- >> and you met him covering a story. >> he was doing a morning radio stunt. jimmy the sports guy was going to box, he needed a trainer. i taught him how to box. we became love -- friends and it has been a love affair ever

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Number ,Number One ,Picture ,Jack Nicholson ,Chair ,Waitress ,Sex ,Td ,Two ,One ,Guy ,Don Kimmel ,Boxing Trainer ,Yes ,Buddies ,Boxing ,Morning Radio ,People ,Story ,Wall ,Teaching ,Disaster ,Knuckle ,Morning Radio Stunt ,The Sports Guy ,Jimmy Kimmel ,Love ,Trainer ,Box ,Friends ,Love Affair ,

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