"the o'reilly factor," the number one cable news show for 14 years. >> thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly reporting from california. in the kelly file segment tonight another outrageous teachers union situation. fallsburg, new york, heroin found in a bathroom used by teachers. police want to drug test some of those teachers, who were seen entering the facility shortly before the drugs were discovered. but the union says no way. >> seven teachers still teaching kids despite parent outrage after allegedly refusing to cooperate with a narcotics investigation. inside, the benjamin cosor elementary school it's dangerou. i don't consider it a safe environment. >> and neither does fallsburg police, who say all seven teachers are refusing to take

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Us ,Thanks ,Number One ,Cable News Show ,Theo Reilly Factor ,One ,14 ,Heroin ,Southern California ,Teachers ,Police ,Billo Reilly ,New York ,Bathroom ,Teachers Union Situation ,Drug Test ,Kelly File Segment ,Fallsburg ,Way ,European Union ,Hard Drugs In School ,Kids ,Facility ,Parent ,Outrage ,Narcotics Investigation ,Seven ,Inside ,Safe Environment ,Elementary School ,Fallsburg Police ,Dangerou ,Benjamin Cosor ,

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