clintons, james carville. i said that miss clinton is going to have to repudiate some of president obama's economic policies if she wants to win the presidency. was that an astute observation, carville? >> i would have said that she'll have to have some different -- she'll have to differentiate herself, she'll have to add things. i don't know if there's any economic policy that the president has that she would repudiate but she may say we need to do more things. >> more entitlement spending? >> well, she's not going to repudiate it. she's certainly not going to repudiate the health care act. it's starting to work now. >> you know, you tell me that but all the other people say the health care act is still a mess and chaotic. so i don't know why i should believe you and combs because you guys are rooting -- it's like, you know, you have a basketball team in new orleans, your hometown. the pelicans. why would any team be named the pelicans? what are they, diving for fish at halftime? but the pelicans are not going