arrested and making it illegal is absolutely essential. because, once these things are proliferating and we will see in colorado and in washington state we're going to have to study this over a few years. is there an increase in the use of marijuana among the underaged who are not supposed to have access. >> sure there will be. >> you and i know are going to get access the same way they get access to beer and alcohol? of course. is there going to be increase in traffic accidents? all of these things are worthy of study. but you should never contemplate legalization of this hard stuff that can kill. smoking dope won't kill you, it makes you stupid and it wastes your life. but this other stuff will kill and you cannot have a civilized society that allows that to be open and market it, even if it's regulated. >> all right, charles. as always, we appreciate it. charles big best seller things that matter remaining a huge success in the marketplace. directly ahead, crowley and colmes with their takes on