look at credit cards right now. she had a problem with a mortgage. i think the bank should get out ahead of this and really basically make sure that she -- they make her whole. >> i'm surprised they haven't. when this starts ending up on television, the undead dead, you would think they would go we can pretty well confirm she is not dead. i wonder why it isn't that simple. maybe because the bank is so big they can't run themselves anymore. >> i worked at a very large institution and i remember you would have to talk to the area manager, then the regional manager, and then the vice-president, and the other vice-president. it just too much out there. when you get a serious issue where the lady is calling you up saying i'm trying to refinances my house, get a credit card. i believe she worked in the fortunately service industry. when chev says things like that and the bank doesn't step up to the plate, you wonder where they're at. >> heartland bank of st. louis is the bank in question. maybe they'll step up.