socialize and that's the picture of someone sitting at the tv watching sports all the time. that makes sense. they go to the doctor and get injections or a patch. you have to be careful. that's a big message. make sure you see your urologist before we start this. we need to know the psa and the size of your prostate and check your testosterone early in the morning. it has a sar kadian rhythm. in the morning it's higher. it has to be between 300 to 1,000. going back to what you said. too low is not good for you. that's the metabolic. >> how do you feel if you don't have enough? >> you are running out of energy. you have no battery. >> how do you know if it's safe? >> you can replace it now. if you overshoot and have too much testosterone, you increase

Related Keywords

Doctor ,Message ,Someone ,Patch ,Injections ,Tv Watching Sports ,Picture ,Sense ,Testosterone ,Urologist ,Size ,Psa ,Prostate ,Sar Kadian Rhythm ,Metabolic ,1000 ,300 ,Energy ,Safe ,You Overshoot ,Battery ,

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