>> i served famous people. they still remember when i go up to the street. no, they don't. >> that's a shame. you should stop following them. that's creepy. what do you think, gavin, do you think she made up the story? >> yeah, of course she did. as an alcoholic that was our shiznit. we would say, remember when your shawl went on fire? let's say that black dude took it and he is probably going to sell it. they would be like, done. now with these nerds and their theircctv cameras we can't do those stories. we can't even do coke anymore. you can't cheat on your wife. the nerds have taken over and ruined our lives. there is no more philandering. i liked lying. it got me out of a lot of tough positions. >> last week you lost your jacket in a bar and blamed a group of toughs. by the way, i am not joking. he blamed a a group of toughs for stealing his jacket which