reagan, george w. bush was an honest man, and i really got to know him, the person. he was a very honest man. i think there's a lot of them. i am unhappy with both political parties right now. i think the democratic party is a socialist party, the republican party is a tim itd party. i think there's too much anti-obama, they need a positive solution oriented agenda like the penny plan to balance the budget. energy, control of the borders, individual health care savings accounts as an alternative to obama care. they're afraid right now, they seem timid and really unwilling to educate and inform. we have one in six americans in poverty you can the lowest labor participation rate we've ever had. we can do better. there's needless suffering in the country right now. >> more honesty. >> yes. >> will you run for office, or do you think that you can accomplish more where you are now? >> would you vote for me?