same time you get in a problem. >> the process itself was set up to be an ordeal. >> glen runs this web site which advises people on navigating the regulation. >> if you're this expert, i would think it would be easy for you to get people guns. >> it's still an ordeal. it's being used as a weapon. to deter people from following through the process, which can take as long as a year. >> for me it took eight and a half months. first they told me i had to return to police headquarters for another in-person interview. this time they demanded i prove an accusation against me had been trop. they said this headline was not enough. i was supposed to produce the original court document. they also told me i had the documents threats against me. fortunately i could show them things like this. 52 days later they sent me a letter rejecting my application for a carry permit. they said i could get a license to keep a gun in my apartment but i feel safe any apartment.