ought to be put in jail. >> you want me to go first? >> yeah. >> i don't have a problem with it. >> what? 4-year-old kids being treated like that. >> let me tell you -- >> only in texas could something like that happen. >> i'm going to get, would you want your kid treated that way? yeah, i do. they're not hurting them, not hitting them. >> that's emotionally abusive. that's what that is. >> can i tell you something. you want success or wuszy. the best football in the country comes out of texas and florida. i bet florida has something like that. >> they're not all players from texas, eric. they recruit from all over the country. everybody who plays for texas or one of the schools there isn't from texas. >> fine, if they're doing it in iowa, yrm all for it, too. fine. don't hit the kid, but motivate him. >> i think it's way out of line. i would knock his you know what out. >> were you shunning me for using the word redneck? anyway, he is a redneck. now go ahead. >> very nice, bob.