packs upon? does it matter? >> i've never gotten them mixed up. >> i'll get them mixed up. >> every once in a while. >> 4 in the morning. >> can you already see the difference in their personalities? >> absolutely. yeah. pax is very laid back. very calm. like his name, means peace. and levi is just rambunctious and keeps us on our feet. >> like a quarterback. anything in his hands, he throws. >> oh, yeah. >> they balance one another. >> totally. >> what's the reaction been from your family? >> we actually haven't been able to talk about it yet. >> today is the big reveal? >> yeah. >> you'll be getting e-mail, texts. >> why did they decide to wear their hair the same? >> how long are you going to dress them alike? >> forever. >> until they can dress themselves. >> yeah. >> wait until she starts dressing you in the same clothes. then you'll be in trouble. >> is gerber your chosen food for the children?