sweat. >> is there an infrared element and a heat element? >> it's infrared heat, so the ceramic element is just like the element on your stove. >> you can control the airport inside so you can breathe, but your body is designed to ash heat from the sun in the infrared spectrum. >> got it. >> the great thing about this sauna is it's so easy to move. so i would love you to show us how it's done, is that okay? >> absolutely. >> okay, rodney, get to it. you need a hand, give me a shout, i'll be over here. >> i may need it. let's see. a hand. let's see. >> thanks to thanks to rodney and sonya rice. coming up, we have got two bodybuilders with their tips on staying fit. and believe me, it's something you can do. [ female announcer hands were made for playing.