so, katy, what do you make of the comments of peter king over the weekend? >> i think it's a little ridiculous for peter king to suggest that essentially the blood of americans would be on the hands of rand paul simply because rand paul is addressing an issue that polling shows many americans are concerned about. an independent review showed that, you know, in the sa doesn't necessarily need to be collecting all data from every single american cell phone to prevent terrorist attacks. not to mention a federal judge a couple weeks ago saying he thinks it is unconstitutional and the government hasn't given enough proof to show they need the program and mass collection of data to prevent terrorist attacks. peter king wants to run for president. if he is going to tell americans that their privacy concerns shouldn't be addressed when it comes to the nsa, then he will have a real problem with that. martha: i think one of 9 things that needs to be spelled out more clearly is how effective the program has been. peter king cited the zazi case.