>> in many sfepheres, immigrati, he has taken, seized the grabbed the authority to change the law or delay the law. that is unconstitutional. >> all right. belts betsey mccoy "beating obamacare 2014." thank you for joining us. now time for the results of tonight's instapoll has the edward snowden done this country a service or a criminal? my viewers interestingly enough were divided. rick writes -- he is a traitor. charge him. give him a fair trial. throw his ass in jail. the real heroes wear dog tags. while joanne has a different take. he did a great service. no one else was informing us we were living in 1984 now. but, michael tweets, snowden is a patriot. if he is willing to accept the consequenc consequences. and that's it for us tonight. thank you for joining us. remember to friend me on facebook, follow me on twitter,