news about obama characterization signups have reached 1.1 million screams one headline, having guaranteed healthcare is the light at the end of the tub for many screams another headline, well, i expect we are going to see more of these types of pieces in the coming weeks and monthss as democrats in the white house attack the g.o.p. on the affordable care act. this is why the g.o.p. is taking a huge risk by counting on obamacare as its only issue in 2014. now, remember, a number of republicans justified their support of that lame ryan murray budget deal by arguing it would help them focus on obamacare in 2014 to help them clear the deck. folks, it's not that simple. it's not that obamacare will work, of course, we know it's not going to work. in the runup to the mid terms, many in the media are going to do everything in their power to make people think it's working. so conservative candidates