felony charges edward snowdenen for leaking classified information. this president started out calling him a hacker, it wasn't a big deal, at one time, major, i think, asked him in africa at a news conference, would you send in the military to get edward snowden and he dismissed that edward snowden was important. it's turned out the revelations from edward snowden had a bigger impact than the white house thought. >> back to the debt ceiling, we talked about it off the top. this debt ceiling, john boehner has made it clear that he wants something -- he hasn't decided what he wants yet -- if you want something in order to get votes that is by definition a negotiation. the president says there won't be a negotiation. here we go. >> right. and the president is sticking to that. they think in 2011, they made a mistake in the summer, when they negotiationed with john boehner on the debt ceiling and then we