today senator patty murray, the democrat who was co-author with paul ryan of the deal came out with a proposal that said it was a mistake. no one is taking ownership of it. it shouldn't have been in there. they're going to put together a short, quickie bill to make a "technical correction" for this mistake. $6 billion is a big technicality. >> when they get back from christmas break they'll sign that into law. so that's going to -- >> they say before they go away for christmas break, the question about whether or not it comes up in the new year, it's an election year, hard to believe they would. >> we'll be optimistic and you'll follow this story that retired military people will get what they should get. right now they don't but they will i hope. we'll take care of it in our own special way. all right. rosen, you're up now. this nut who runs north korea, he shot his uncle or something,

Related Keywords

Mistake ,No One ,It Shouldn T ,Deal ,Proposal ,The Democrat ,Patty Murray ,Quickie Bill ,Ownership ,Co Author ,Short ,Paul Ryan ,One ,Technicality ,Law ,Technical Correction ,Billion ,6 Billion ,People ,Story ,Whether ,Christmas Break ,Election ,Uncle Ricoh ,Something ,Way ,It ,North Korea ,Care ,Nut ,James Rosen ,

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