many physicians don't want to take care of patients on medicaid because the reimbursement from the government is so low and paperwork is so onerous. we know government will be doubling spending on that for 10 years and states, i was in the state legislature in wyoming, we know it is number one cost driver in the state. number one expense. as a result, that is money that states -- bill: hang with in a moment. our apologies. we do this 100 times a day, the link between new york and washington. looks like we just took a mother nature hit there. senator, finish your point. we know what you were saying? >> we know that states are those that have, medicaid is the state's most expensive budget item and so when the states have to pay more for that, there is less money for teachers, for schools, for highways, for public safety and we know that medicate is a very costly and