you have to score. that sets the stage for brady, what he does best. a second touchdown pass, in the closing seconds. cleveland had a shot at a field goal. came up just shy. patriots win 27-26. greatest game going in america for a very good reason. that was just sunday. should have seen the action on college level. heather: i love football. you're brady fan? >> add to the legend. how did your team do in new orleans last night? heather: don't want to talk about it. seven 7th straight. on "monday night football", national audience. they lose. still behind my team. bill: want to ask me about my team? heather: i guess i do. bill: bengals win. heather: i want to know if brady had the uggs on at the press conference. bill: maybe gisele did. heather: new warnings that medicaid has become a ticking time bomb that will bankrupt the country all because of,