in barack obama was a noncynical politician who was going to change things. and then -- >> no one's going to dispute that. >> and if you look at the poll you cited, the fox news poll that came out, the group that turned hardest on this president over the honest and trustworthy question are young people. because that b.s. detector went off in a way i think that was a rude awakening and a disappointment to a lot of people. >> go ahead. you want to weigh in. >> yeah, you mentioned the polling and how young people turned on obama. and i worked for generation opportunity, which is the youth advocacy group. and we had a big opt out of obama care campaign. and if you look at an abc news poll, when young people were polled, young people supported obama care at a rate of 49% then the exchange is launched in november, young people supported obama care by a rate of 36% and opposed it by 61%. >> yeah. now, stephanie, is that you? hi. >> hi. >> you were with ofa. >> yes, i worked very proudly