website. that's a disaster in its own right. i'm talking about what people do discover when they get exposed to the plans they're eligible for or how some older couples who don't even have child bearing years are way behind them and they're paying for speed i can't tell fricke tripee fit all thing is silly. >> it's not one size gets all. in d.c., you have 32 different plans you can choose from. >> i've talked to people who are footing bills for fink things e way past the age for. if we want to fine tune a policy, it is not an option for us. >> i guess i'm going to have to disagree. even my state of michigan, there is about 20 some different plans. >> in millions of people are telling me this. millions of people are there. >> i read the editorial yesterday in the "washington post" from three different governors who said it is working pretty well. >> are you honestly believing that. >> do you honestly believe that