hours into this and still piecing the exact sequence of events and will have more information later on as we're able to piece together the evidence. >> who made the 9-1-1 call? >> -- investigators -- any indication as to what he said and had they been communicating all thought the day? >> this morning he was able to talk with our investigators, able to provide some statements and so forth, but anything else i just don't know. >> can you tell us now who did make the 9-1-1 call? >> actually i've been trying to piece that together and get in touch. our investigators are busy at this point so i have not been able to contact them. they're looking into it. they have that information but i don't have it right now to release. >> whether anyone was in the house -- >> no one else in the residence at the time of the altercation. >> any other suspects? >> no. >> dennis cropper, who heads up the rockridge mental -- he was taken for an eco yesterday and