thank you to both you. kirsten powers, katy past like to you as well. thank you. martha: we're back to the top story of the day and the devastating storms across the midwest, another hard-hit spot, frankfurt, illinois, just outside of chicago. anita padilla, fox affiliate is there live. anita, what does it look like on the ground there? >> reporter: nothing like the devastation we saw in washington, illinois, but nonetheless people did feel and were very away. down the way there is scattered debris in a road called la grange road. that is shut down. you have see debris on the farmland. pull out a little bit, chris. show them a gazebo collapseed at 11:00 when the whole thing started. to the left we have a home that is missing. this is a mobile home park here called gateway. missing the dormer off the roof. it came off 11:00 when this whole thing happened. people who live in this

Related Keywords

Storms ,Central Illinois ,Midwest ,Southwest Chicago ,Story ,Kirsten Powers ,Martha Maccallum ,Katy ,Hard Hit Spot ,Frankfurt ,Reporter ,People ,Washington ,Ground ,Fox News ,Nothing ,Feel ,Anita Padilla ,Devastation We Saw ,Thing ,Debris ,Way ,Bit ,La Grange Road ,Farmland ,Chris Farley ,Gazebo Collapseed ,00 ,11 ,Home ,Roof ,Gateway ,Left ,Mobile Home Park ,Dormer ,

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