cost of health care grow at its slowest rate in 50 years. so we're at the opening weeks of the project to build a better health care system for everybody. a system that will offer real financial security and peace of mind to millions of americans. it is a complex process, there are all kinds of challenges. i'm sure there will be additional challenges that come up. and it's im honest and straightforward in terms when we come up with a problem with these reforms and these laws that we address them. but we've got to move forward on it took a hundred years for us to even get to the point where we could start talking about and implementing a law to pick sure everybody got health insurance. to make sure everybody got health insurance. and my pledge to the american people is we're going to solve the problems that are there, we're going to get it right, and the affordable care act is going to work for the american people. so with that, i'm going to take