yourself. so hearings are being held on capitol hill this week and i want to tell you about. this this is chairman issa's committee once again. they are looking at the v.a. spending. the v.a., there were a couple conferences held a few years ago spent $6.1 million in taxpayer money for human resources conference. they even paid for some spa treatment. >> they're going to try to tighten it up so they spend the money where it should be instead of the bureaucrat garbage. >> as we reported a huge backlog, hundreds of thousands of vets whose claims haven't been. >> the whole v.a. isn't working doris troll. pennsylvania. i'm mad at bill because he makes everybody say merry christmas. ry have to stop watching the factor this time of year. he harps on the issue. some people do not want to be greeted with merry christmas. there is an old saying, doris, life is tough and then you die. federal holiday christmas. don't like it change it to winter soltis. americans like and respect the tradition. uses the word merry.