>> sir, again, i, our -- >> i guess you can say yes or no. >> our accounting office does a routine audit and review of every bill that comes in before they do it. i do not personally. i want to be very accurate, but i don't personally pay contracts, negotiate contracts, by law and by precedent. that is really illegal for someone who isn't a warranted contract officer to engage in the debate or the discussion around federal contracts. >> how much has the administration spent on the exchanges in total, not just healthcare.gov but all of the exchanges? >> i'm sure -- >> how difficult is that figure to give me? if you can't give it to me -- >> i can get it to you in writing very quickly. >> madam secretary, i would like to talk, i don't know how much timofei got left. i like to talk about a couple of businesses in my district struggling how to move forward. one is manufacturing. one is in the pet boarding and training business.