if they've don't know, why don't they know it? >> i never thought about it. wife listening to everybody's phone calls we know what's happening so we shouldn't have to worry about anything else. >> we ask the men and women in the intelligence commitee to look for needles in a haystack and you're getting tons of information. >> i hope we're listening to assad's phone calls. >> i guarantee you that any of these countries, if they had the withall to listen in on our phone calls, they would be doing it. >> i hope we'll -- >> you seem depressed. >> i am. why wouldn't i be? the government spies on everything it legally. >> it's not illegal. >> i have known for months now they would read our e-mails anytime they want. they're taking in our phone information and use it when they want. we have a constitution here, and whether it's illegal or not, it doesn't look constitutional to jung napolitano who commented on this matter in this form. i don't know if americans want us to spy on everyone around the world and make more enemies.