>> then give us yo money. if he is so gaiagainst the prof i get it, he is an excel lull or prides himself on being, and greg, you have a bizarre man crush on him, if you would like to talk about that. >> and i lived in london and i found him highly entertain, but he is afflicted by studentites and he has the intellectual capacity of a student and not in a good way, because she is not capable of learning, but capable of sitting in a coffee shop and pontificating about issues that have destroyed hundreds of millions of lives without thinking about it, because to him, he is a 17-year-old who comes home from college for christmas and thinks that he is smarter than his dad, but he is advocating a totalitarian system that has killed hundreds of millions of people, and i want to point out that after 9/11, the halloween after 9/11, he came dressed at a mtv party as bin laden and he is a hypocrite and he used to be funny, and now

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