>> will it wait too long? >> this is the problem. if you took it to court and you're taxing on something they can't get that's tough for courts to deny. more than that, i believe the system is a good one. i believe the delivery so far has worked out. now you have marco rubio with a bill up. it's an attractive bill for democrats. harry reid will have to say absolutely -- are you paying attention? i'm right here. what am i, a potted plant? >> i'm writing down names. i figured it out, by the way. >> i'm trying to give analysis and you're looking off to the side. >> nobody at home listens to you anyway in my audience. they think you're nuts. >> why do you have me here?

Related Keywords

Problem ,Something ,Courts ,One ,System ,Delivery ,Bill Up ,Marco Rubio ,Plant ,Way ,Attention ,Democrats ,Bill ,Down Names ,Harry Reid ,Nobody ,Analysis ,Side ,Home ,Audience ,

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