>> address your question to hhs. i don't have that hhs, and this is an operation being run by hhs. >> reporter: we took jay carney's advice and called over to hhs and got no response to those questions and we noticed on its website it says they are getting a high volume of press calls so directing reporters first, you guessed it, to healthcare.gov. after not finding the information there, send in an e-mail question, we did that, have not gotten a response yet. finally they tell you to fill out a form on the web and maybe we'll answer your press questions. my producer filled out that form, and we're still waiting. bret? >> you didn't try the phone number? >> no, not yet. >> wow, it's something. it is something. ed, thank you very much. one of the many problems on healthcare.gov, finding out how much things cost. chief national correspondent jim angel on why the president's people decided to go their own way and what it cost. >> reporter: website contractors wanted people to shop for insurance before slogging through the entire end of the website but they were given