changes like that. >> yeah. >> and i would not for a minute take that to the bank. >> eric, do you think she deserves to be fired? >> yeah. here's why. let them see where i stand. you're president of exxon, you're in charge of refining. >> okay. >> bob's in charge of exploration. i'm in charge of transportation. greg's in charge of r&d. if all my pipelines leak at once, they're not going to fire you, the shareholders aren't going to say, dana, you blew it. they're going to say dana what are you going to do about it? you're going to say, i'm firing the pipe line guy. all his pipelines leaked. kathleen sebelius is the pipeline guy for obama care. she signed the document and said i'm hiring all those web designers in canada, wherever they were. i spent $600 million even though i was only given 80 mt or 90 million to get it done. she overpaid. fire her. >> that has a thread that's lose. >> kimberly, do you think it's reasonable for the american people to expect someone to be