web site, finds an 88% dropoff in visitors from week one to week two. we're now in week three. >> what else can you tell us about cgi federal? there were reports -- they're out of canada. second, they were the only bidder? >> reporter: they were the winning firm of the four companies that bid on the lead part of the project, and they have more big federal government projects totaling $8 billion. that includes $8,971,000,000 with the defense information services agency, $143 million for visa processing in china, as well as work with homeland security, and the coast guard. cgi globally is worth more than $10 million. their main office is up in canada, and the american offices are around the beltway. their president, donna ryan, visited the white house six times before cgi was selected

Related Keywords

Cgi ,Reports ,Dropoff ,Visitors ,Web Site ,Canadian ,Second ,88 ,One ,Three ,Two ,Roar Bborrowed ,Reporter ,Firm ,Part ,Companies ,Lead ,Bidder ,Bid ,Healthcare Gov Project ,Four ,Work ,Defense ,Visa Processing ,Homeland Security ,Coast Guard ,Information Services Agency ,China ,143 Million ,Billion ,43 Million ,8971000000 ,8 Billion ,Times ,White House ,America ,Donna Ryan ,Office ,Offices ,Beltway ,10 Million ,Six ,00 Million ,

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