because it might lose somebody a vote. i said why did you come? take a gut check on why you are here. if we can't do our job, maybe we ought to go home. i mean, this really is. and so, i get people back home say joe, you don't know how bad it looks. >> if you think it's ugly from your living room you ought to try it from my seat. it's really bad. but, i will say. this. the budget conferees are going to meet. it's not a super committee. this is their job. work it out. if you don't like the 967 sequester number, if you think it's too da draconian, then fix it. you know, greta, i thought this. the shutdown we had, the complete shutdown was totally unnecessary about our social agenda. what would the american people have said if they had a shut down based around i want you to have a vote by january on fixing the budget, on fixing the long-term finances of our country, on getting a balanced budget in 15 years.