mood in washington, d.c. as well. things are a bit different now than they were 17 years ago when we saw a significant shutdown under the clinton administration. back then just for a little context here victoria's secret held its first fashion show that year, jon. no angel wings, but their first show. a jury acquitted o.j. simpson in the murders of nicole brown simpson and ronald goldman. you were watching mtv, x files and the big headline, this happened after the shutdown finished up and we were back to business in d.c., but what else happened 17 years ago? jon: here it is, this is an original vintage t-shirt. fox news channel went on the air. october 7, 1996. today's our 17th birthday. jenna: i think we need to do a reprint of the shirt. jon: don broderick, one of our writers, wrought this in. i used to have one of these. jenna: what happened? jon: well, i wear them to death, and it went away. collector's i.