-- sadness. it is not a problem for them. it is a problem for you. >> we all have this problem. we are paired to get stared at. my problem is when we are not on the air i can feel them staring, greg, and it is not a good feeling. i think this comes out to -- it is like what seinfield said about cleavage. looking at cleavage is like looking at sun. you don't stair at it -- stare at it. it is too risky. you take a quick look and look away. >> you have two lazy eyes from years of using narcotics so maybe it is not your fault. >> thank you for not saying illegal narcotics. all of them were prescription and look at me now. >> the worst is getting caught stairing and what do you do then? >> so it is staring when they catch you. it is okay to look at someone as long as you want as long as they don't see you.