>> 46 states, people will see premium increases, not savings. that doesn't faze you? >> the premiums will come down. it takes a while to get people hooked up. >> the sad part is you are fronting for a lousy health insurance industry that's never done anything helpful for the country but rip them off. >> that's not fair. how long have we known each other? when do i shill for insurance companies? >> apologize. >> i'm not going to. you shill for them. you guys all say the insurance companies. there's never been -- the affordable health care act. >> i asked about the $10,000 swing. he doesn't want to answer it. four times what obama said it would cost. bob, a $10,000 swing. that means people will put out $7500 and not save $2500. >> that will scare people. the part of it i don't get, i