oracle team usa making an incredible comeback to win the america's cup sailing competition. the team winning race after race on the way to victory. adding to the drama the team is owned by billionaire larry ellison was docked two points for illegally modifying boats in the warm-up regattas. that added intrigue to the whole thing. jim gray joins us now. i could talk a little bit about base fall and -- baseball and football but the america's cup, how is the entire competition is set up? >> the entire competition is the first one to win nine. as you point out they were docked two points before they started some they actually had to win 11 races. being docked two points it was like having a ball boy for a super bowl team. your team having one of those balls too much inflated. so they were docked two points t was a penalty that was ridiculous. then you have to go out and try to win the game. so they won 11 races. usually just to nine but team,