when the fire broke out late yesterday and no one was hurt but nearby areas were evacuated overnight. reminds us of scary explosions we've seen of late. casey stiegel live from dallas with more. casey? >> reporter: jenna, a those 75 employees working at plant were mighty lucky can i when you consider everyone went home for the day. it happened in thomas, oklahoma, a half hour drive west of oklahoma city for perspective. only a very small community, 1200 people or some fire erupting at a plant with chemicals used for oil field production. you can see small explosions sending flames and plumes of smoke into the night sky on your screen. we have new pictures coming in to us from the air. we understand the facility is a total loss. you can get a better feel of from these helicopter shots. a handful of folks living in surrounding neighborhoods had to be evacuated from their homes because of chemical fumes and the threat of flare-ups.