advance their agenda? do you really believe that? >> some commentators, obviously seized it and politicized it. but you are an open-minded guy. you seem to be saying that any discussion. >> no, i'm not. >> that any discussion at all of any reasonable. >> i'm fine with the discussion, howard. >> anti-second amendment. >> they exploited those mass killings yesterday for political agenda. that's what they did. they did it all over the place. we proved our point. but i'm glad you came on with some dissent because that's what we want here on the factor. >> appreciate your having me. >> see it on media buzz with howard kurtz eastern time sunday morning. next on the rundown, the factor has learned that some in the democratic party very disappointed about how president obama reacted to the navy yard massacre. we will have the inside story. later, dennis miller on violence in the national football league. has it reached critical mass in the factor is coming right back. i love having a free checked bag