temple took him under their wing. a lot of people befriended him. he did have a specific interest in the thai community. >> how did he make it to d.c.? was this just a part-time job or had he severed ties? do you know, with texas? >> that was one of the questions we asked. as a matter of fact, i was told by a friend he was last year at this naval air station about six to eight months ago. he still had access here and they would go shop. the rest after that, according to friend s is a little bit buzz fuzzy. to their knowledge he was working with a contract tr to. it was that contractor that had him moving around. from what i have heard he didn't b have a lot of close contact with them. so they were a little bit out of the loop as to what exactly all his movements were and why he ended up in d.c. >> natalie, thank you very much. now "on the record" takes you to