natural gas costs is to make american manufacturing industries more competitive, so more jobs stay here in the united states. >> right, and it's led to a manufacturing resurgence in places like rural pennsylvania, youngstown, ohio, you know, these are often poor, depressed areas. this is leading to more jobs, far more than the 47 federal job training programs, for instance and really a boon for a lot of displaced workers. >> and dan, miracle of miracles, even california, governor jerry brown is saying, you know what, maybe we ought to investigate our own natural gas reserves using this new technology. >> well, california's legislature voted this week in a way that might allow fracking. that is a miracle. meanwhile, at the other end of the country in new york state, where they have a moratorium on fracking, chesapeake energy announced this week, it's throwing in the towel on 13,000 acres of leases that they have.