fight. many fear u.s. pullout will encourage terrorism. if we're going to do that, we had better figure out a way to become energy independent and quickly. >> i want to bring this up, u.s. enemies, are they emboldened by all this? what we're talking about here today, when you look at what's going on across the world, al-qaeda chief calls for new attacks on the u.s. u.s. consulate in afghanistan attacked. north korea restarts their nuclear reactor. iran, threatens retaliation if the u.s. strikes syria and assad demands u.s. stop arming rebels or he would not turn over the chemical weapons. doesn't sound like anybody is afraid. >> when you put those things all together, you sense america is missing a sense of strength and will. somehow we've fallen into a slumber in the government crib because we're getting -- the baby is being fed and the baby doesn't care. that's what i worry about is that the american public has become satisfied with the free stuff that they get and not to care about what's happening overseas and pretty soon we're going to be devoured by these