doesn't need authority from congress. he has a little bit said that. >> but those members are warded by the war weary voters, too. so the dictators can do what they want, when the world is weary of this stuff. and i think it is a very tough place for a president to be. >> joe, thank you. >> thank you. coming up, a military strike on syria now considered a backup plan. but is that good news for our military or not? lieutenant colonel oliver north is here to talk about next. now is your chance to tell us what you think about president obama's plans for syria. just use #gre#greta and you may see your post right here live on the record coming up. we don't dismiss any threats. but the assad regime doesn't have the ability to seriously threaten our military. we need a new recipe. hmmm. let us consult the scroll of infinite deliciousness. ♪ oh! perfect. [ wisest kid ] campbell's has the recipes kids love.