feelings either way. >> it turns out it's not anything. >> anything that involves kids. >> i need someone to strongly disagree with me. don't we over emphasize academics to this country instead of the other way around? >> well, i mean, it depends. that's a very loaded question. in terms of parents being involved, i think for school face-to-face is better versus the online thing. i think it's a new fan geled way of doing what was always done which was when i was a kid, hi to bring my test papers home and get them signed by my parents so they knew that my parents actually saw the grades and the idea was that my parents would have a discussion with me if anything had to be discussed and i was a straight a student. >> communication. and look at the field you went into. >> this is a great thing. >> why? >> because it's going to teach our kids unbelievable hacking skills. >> they used to have forgery. >> they all end up working for the nsa.